ICGEB New Delhi has 25 Research Groups. The Component also has a flourishing PhD programme in association with the Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) and at any given time has up
Cell Genetics and Plant Biotechnology Lab’s researcher Sayem Sarkar will be giving a talk on science communication entitled “Making Scientific Information Understandable and Accessible: Never Has Science Communication Been So
Proin sagittis feugiat elit finibus pretium. Donec et tortor non purus vulputate tincidunt. Cras congue posuer eros eget egestas. Aenean varius ex ut ex laoreet Aenean the fermentum. Project Overview
Proin sagittis feugiat elit finibus pretium. Donec et tortor non purus vulputate tincidunt. Cras congue posuer eros eget egestas. Aenean varius ex ut ex laoreet Aenean the fermentum.
Proin sagittis feugiat elit finibus pretium. Donec et tortor non purus vulputate tincidunt. Cras congue posuer eros eget egestas. Aenean varius ex ut ex laoreet Aenean the fermentum. Project Overview
Proin sagittis feugiat elit finibus pretium. Donec et tortor non purus vulputate tincidunt. Cras congue posuer eros eget egestas. Aenean varius ex ut ex laoreet Aenean the fermentum. Project Overview